Petcollector1987's Comments
(16) comments by Petcollector1987

Comments by Date (16)
I have the worst luck when it comes to this pet...I either miss spawn, someone ninja's it by dropping group, tags the boss while anyone is unaware and everyone helps them kill it, or my roll sucks. The price is always out of my reach /cry
Pretty upset that they gave this pet two breeds that is completly out of our control to do anything about. Just like the Briliant kalairi :-( They really need to pick a breed and make everyone's the same
Well after getting junk in all my Blingtron presents it was nice to actually see something worth while in there. Just opened this little guy a few mins ago :-D
Finally got one! Lost track of how many chest i opended though lol
Oh happy day! After not wanting to do the dailies after I get the last mount I need, I went back to killing foxes in the area while doing dailes and just had him drop!!!!
My rare was an add to a scarab.
1st one I came across rare!
1st one I came across was a rare! :-D
Got a rare on the first try :-D
I caught a poor first just in case the other two disapperead or somoeone else showed up but I was able to check all three that were there. The last two were both uncommon so I wound up with a just an uncommon but that beats a poor anyday................................................. maybe ill get lucky enough to catch a rare in the future.
My rare came as an addon
4th fight RARE :-D
second battle with one, got me a rare!! :-D
YAY!! Got a rare :-D 3:24am (41,18) Bloodscalp
she changes color on summoing but she doesn't change everytime. I played around with dismissing and summoning her. Very cool pet! Had an h/b drop just now.
now none of my SoT are changing to red anymore :-/ which is my favorite of the "two" color schemes...