Passiko's Comments
(5) comments by Passiko

Comments by Date (5)
Been trying every day with my nine alts and have yet to get him. Ive gotten the clockwork robot three times though.
I caught one at 830 am server time. Only saw one. Near the trainer. Poor though. First of the new pets ive seen and ive been flying everywhere looking for any of them.
Stood around till 9 pm, finally they appeared. Not many whatsoever. And all I got was a poor. And I didnt get the achievement for being there at the start for some reason.
I waited around for next start at 11 and a few more came out. But it looks like not a lot come out at both times. Happy hunting.
I have been serching for a few days. Nothing. Happened to wake up before server maintenance and logged on. With seven minutes left till server shut down, I found two! Both to the northern side. One was by itself and the other was walking with one adult. Also both uncommon.
Just after 3 pm server time, I saw about 8 or so. Mostly poor and only one uncommon.