Papazol's Comments
(9) comments by Papazol

Comments by Date (9)
The biggest part of pet battles is "one time play" content, what never be balanced. Such dmg nerf did many and many battles impracticable.
After I found rare Bleeder, it killed itself, for sure. Don't forget what you may conside fight many times before Bleeder doesn't have Burst.
Almost imposible to find this pet in rare quality. After hours of Vol'dun coast farming I saw only 3 uncommon (1000+ hermit crabs were killed). Don't waste your time.
Did it solo on enh shaman. Just used bomb, in time it launched, used tank, and burst+turells after tank was destroyed. Workshop POWAAAA!
"Win battle with 3 same pets" will make them much more expensive. From another side Bliz may do it for higher TI pvp motivation in WoD.
A lot water snakes can be found like second pet or both second pets with shore crab all around coasts in twilight highlands.
You may find it like 2d pet in twilight areas Hijal summit. Works at any time of day. Like result - you may find rare bat already 24 lvl before cap.
A lot of work to obtain them all. May be year or so.