Papaken's Comments
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Having the same issue
Left this same comment on WOWHead so I am not copying someone elses work it is my own.
"Just got mine today off the coast of Aszuna on Seabreek Isle, closest flight point IMO is Challiane's Terrace on the Blizzard Map it shows up but if using Carbonite it is not visible. I found the island with about 10 battle pet Squirky's on them but also crawling with Squigglefin murlocs the inhabitants of the island. The worst mob I encountered was the Crablord who I did not successfully kill. My strat was to kind of sneak in grab my battle pet and run like heck. I took out on single shot one at a time till I had a running head start and waiting for the Crablord patrol to pass the ran in and started the pet battle. The Squirky I battled only had 1144 health so it was hard to get him down low enough to capture, so you might want to bring a low hitting/striking battle pet around level 20 that can take him down about 300 hit points at a time."
I agree with all the comments here this is too much. I don't mind raising an alt to 105 and doing a moderate questline for the druid, but class pets should not be this difficult to get. If you have any way of getting this information on the comments here to Blizzard please relay our sentiments.
Thanks for the information got mine today.