Pandas' Comments
(17) comments by

Comments by Date (17)
So excited - my guild's first Shadow Lord kill dropped this pet and I won it! I'm pretty sure I'm the first (if not very close to the first) on the server to have it. :D
Found this pet really easily. Did /tar Nethaera, found it over by the cake/sweets vendor, got reeeeeally close, /cheer (one time), waited for the fireworks, and voila - new pet!
I farmed up two of these and I'm working on a third. I've heard some people say they've killed hundreds without a drop, but from my personal experience, within about 2 hours of farming I was able to get one to drop and then another to drop the next night.
Got mine in Zul'drak, near the Altar of Rhunok. She was poor quality, but I beefed her up with a JP stone. :)
Snagged an Uncommon after they started spawning like clockwork at 12am PST. Uncommons are pretty frequent, so if you don't find one right away, be sure to keep trying. Remember, there are TWO cellars you can check, so if you're hunting for a rare, don't neglect the other cellar! Found a Rare with the help of a friend after approximately 60 battles.
First Fiddler I engaged battle with was a rare - he's now become one of my favorite pets. He's absolutely incredible in battle. Found near where Lucky Yi spawns in Valley of the Four Winds, in The Heartland. I named him Xingyun, which is Chinese for Lucky! (A nod to 'Mulan' and her lucky cricket. :P)
6:30pm CST on Aegwynn, I found ONE poor quality around the heart-shaped lake. :\ I hope others are having better luck than I am!
I must have gotten extremely lucky, from what I've read from the comments - my first time going for this one, I wound up with an uncommon on my first fight. I found three in the hills above the Dark Portal on Aegwynn (US). Good luck, everyone!
Very simple farm! I was able to solo the mobs that drop these (though they are level 90 elites, so keep that in mind) with a bit of kiting and a few bubbles as a badly geared 90 Shadow Priest. Got all four of the new raptor pets (plus a few extra for the AH) within an hour and a half. :) Good luck!
Very simple farm! I was able to solo the mobs that drop these (though they are level 90 elites, so keep that in mind) with a bit of kiting and a few bubbles as a badly geared 90 Shadow Priest. Got all four of the new raptor pets (plus a few extra for the AH) within an hour and a half. :) Good luck!
Very simple farm! I was able to solo the mobs that drop these (though they are level 90 elites, so keep that in mind) with a bit of kiting and a few bubbles as a badly geared 90 Shadow Priest. Got all four of the new raptor pets (plus a few extra for the AH) within an hour and a half. :) Good luck!
Very simple farm! I was able to solo the mobs that drop these (though they are level 90 elites, so keep that in mind) with a bit of kiting and a few bubbles as a badly geared 90 Shadow Priest. Got all four of the new raptor pets (plus a few extra for the AH) within an hour and a half. :) Good luck!
Incredible luck on my end... First Gazelle Fawn I engaged was a rare. I captured it JUST as a horde hunter popped me out of battle. He killed me, but I got my rare Fawn!
I found a common and an uncommon at Dalson's Farm as secondary fights (black rat and squirrel) within 5 minutes of being there. :)
I just snagged a poor quality Harpy after about 20 minutes of dinking around in The Dry Hills. I cleared a bunch of adult harpies and did a few low-level pet battles around the area. Not sure if that helped, but soon after, my harpy spawned! (I managed to snag her before a tauren warrior did... I killed him twice before then for farming in the same area as me. :P )
Just got a rare version of this little guy after about 15 minutes. Not bad! :)
Incredibly surprised to have gotten this (and Eye of Allseeing) my first time through Sanctum. Cheers!