Ouida's Comments
(7) comments by Ouida

Comments by Date (7)
Took me a week of checking back. One time the cave was full. Lots of poors and commons. I stumbled on an uncommon, snagged him and stoned him. Works really good against dragonkin. Nice pet. Hits like a truck, him, my tonk and proto drake...almost unbeatable.
I got this pet with a lot of cursing...but honestly, watch the vids on youtube. Take a deep breath and do it. Don't rush, just keep putting up ur defenses. the worst thing to do is get happy fingers and try to rush it, trust me....this is NOT that kind of quest. I beat the final part after a good nights sleep, one more watch on the vid and yahoo!!!! I am NOT gonna try it again...once was enough.
Shadelings and eyes are single mobs. I have yet to see a rare shadeling, used a stone on mine. I got a rare eye but it took a lot and I was always the only one there.
I have found the numbers true. I have the addon Petbreeds Id it shows. Rare at 25,h/b-1790,b/b-1725,h/h-1969. I have an h/b Uncommon (green) and he does well at 25. However I wanted an h/h for its health and speed. it is the fastest of the three breeds @ health, 1969.power,244.and speed,227.It took me a while to figure out the breeds and such. It does make a difference. just for info, the h/h I caught was common, No rare, I used a stone on him and his stats will be as quoted
Lots of tosds, no frogs, wowwiki says frog in Zanger, Eversong, Ghostlands, Dire Maul among others, last one I needed b4 waiting on the damn Snowy Owl
Pet does not come in mail, it just shows up in ur pet journal. Look for Celestial dragon and you should have...shocked crap out of me, saw the achievement, didn't realize I got the pet till someone told me. It was there in my journal...
I have been off and on farming this pet since they started the battles, never even saw one, today in crystal song, ten minutes after log in, got a poor b/b, no problem, stoned her and leveled her, I am a very happy camper