Oppressed's Comments
(5) comments by Oppressed

Comments by Date (5)
This is the only frog that can have a pure speed breed. What that means is that at level 25 some of the rare versions of this frog can have 325 speed! With this frog going first the majority of the time it makes frog kiss that much better lasting two rounds!
This battle pet is the Frog destroyer.
Correct me if I'm wrong but if you caught a speed breed wisp it would end up with 357 speed and therefore out pace many other pets. In that instance could you abuse flash and have three turns of 100% miss rate?
This battle pet is a beast! Unlike it's sprite darter hatchling brother it is a flying type. With that comes the 50% speed bonus! This speed boost pretty much ensures that you will go first and with evanescence it makes it last two rounds (initial cast and next round). Couple that with Moonfire that boosts Arcane Blast and you have a pet that can take down other pets to 25% health before you even get hit! Also with a breed type 4 and rare quality this pet has 341 attack at 25!
Despite the description of Frost Shock it does not apply the chilled effect to make Deep Freeze 100% stun.