Okashiro's Comments
(8) comments by Okashiro

Comments by Date (8)
Capturing one is the objective of the quest "A Friend for Lubbins", which makes finding this pet soooo much easier
Found as a primary near a lot of Swoglets
Found as a main pet in The Azure Span outside of Camp Antonidas near ythe bronze time keeper (I did not pull coordinates)
Found the quill ontop of a wall asking for ink.
The area directcly below the quill harbors the ink, grab it and take it back to the quill for a new section of dialoge. The quill will take the ink and you will be able to learn this pet!
I looked all over the Antorian Wastes for the idol that gives the buff, it seems to spawn mainly in caves from reports. I only effectively found it 3 times in one spot and that is in that same room as The All Seer himself, https://ptr.wowhead.com/npc=128134/orix-the-all-seer#sells
took me 3 idol touches to get 1k eyes but thats because i eneded my 2nd buff with 996 eyes. It roughly takes 2 hours to farm. The pet itself is NOT cageable.
Went and got this guy following the guide somethings that I found to be useful knowledge-you do not need to have uuna, a person with an empowered uuna must be nearby, it reduces baa'l to a green pet. you do not need to capture baa'l, you get his summon item from killing him. the fight is actually easy! I solo'd him with Widget! The actual hunt itself is time consuming, it took me 2 days due to needing to obtain potions. there are creatures that can 1 shot you on the hunt on 2 seperate pebbles.
Probably one of my favorites looks wise, plus it can self heal in battle! Super fun to battle with casually! My favorite thing is to pair it with another healer so the moonfire can increase healing.
Found as a main pet in The Azure Plains (waypoint 60.66, 37.95) under a tree, sleeping in a tiny hole