Odile's Comments
(18) comments by Odile

Comments by Date (18)
Serpent's heart will drop this recipe but the rate is low. It took me 9 weeks. Gems drop most of the time. Primals drop about every 2 weeks.
I had given up and bought the pet. 3 days later the recipe dropped.
Recipe was very expensive via this route. They still will drop from Ancient Cache and very rarely from mobs in the vale, if you are a JC.
Taluka's advice is spot on. Would only add that the more buffs to have the better. Would try to stay with in reach of the blue fires so you can re-buff. I think I will be killing and dying a lot to get this pet.
The respawn for the purple crystals are now down to 15 minutes and the spawns are easier to kill. However you can only click on the crystal and DPS the adds once per day. The number of spawns seems to vary a lot. I did it today and got no Scary Sprites at all. Run to tree to engage more sprites. You can herb the dead Scary Sprites and will get herbs, buffs, junk. I have herbed any scaries I see but no pet drop. Doubt you can get it that way.
I think the drop rate is no more than 1-2%. I looted about 50 chests to get him. Others have reported 80 or more chests to get him. No one has commented about his quality. I got a rare which is too bad since I don't do pet battles.
With the latest patch the recipes come from Serpent's Heart. Does anyone know the drop rate? Seems way below 1%. Only getting gems so far and ony 1 primal diamond in 2 weeks.
Update - another primal diamond after 2 weeks but still no recipe
I have an Engineer and an Alchemist. Each can make 1 of the mats each day. I have been planting snakeroot daily on both. The ghost iron goes for the engineer to make the Jard energy source and the trillium goes to the alchemist for the living steel. I have been able to keep up without having to supplement Trillium ore very often. Living Steel goes for ~500 gold on my server so it saves a lot having an alchemist make it. Love him
Took my friend and I each about 6 weeks of daily Blingatron 4000 to get the pet to drop. We are both Engineers but I don't think that is necessary. Keep trying. 2% drop is not that bad.
I followed Horaha's advice since my base fishing level is 575. I checked with Ben of the Booming voice. I used my hat, lure and Pandaran fishing charm. I got 2 in 45 minutes from Jade Lungfish pools. I also got one the other day, same thing, checked with Ben and fished pools near Stormstout Brewery as he directed. Only wish I got another color today.
I got the stone armadillo last night and it turned out to be my first RARE. He was in one of the dry riverbeds. I was very excited. I was working around the Cenarian place to level up before challenging the trainer.
I just got him and it doesn't say the quality. In fact it doesn't say any quality for any of my companion pets However the stats correspond to uncommon with the calculator. I don't understand why all the ones you get with quests are not "rare" quality. It is harder to get them and this one cannot be traded.
I am ending up releasing most of the ones I get in battles. Only to lvl 7 in battles but I have to say it is not very satisfying. I liked getting pets the old way better.
Abandoned the bomb quest and it did not help. RNG gods were favorable. Got Pebble on the eve of MoP 9/24/12
This got me to 150 before the update!!! Got my celestial dragon!!
Desperate in Dalaran
PS finally got it # 149
Check out the new Archeology Info on Wowhead. Once you reach 600 in Pandaria you can buy crates of fragments from Pre MoP places and with Crated artificacts. One poster said you get 5-9 per crate.
it doesn't include keystones. You can save up the lower items as you level and use them at the end to get Tol'vir fragments
This one took me a lot of time, two months of trying. I agree with some of the other posts, best to do this in small quanities. Have been going back and forth between the beach and the cavern. Gotten nothing in the cavern as yet. The Mobs aren't bad one on one but when they swarm you, you are doomed. Seems to be a very low drop rate. The pet is very cute. Quite worth the trouble.