Oaklei's Comments
(5) comments by Oaklei

Comments by Date (5)
Just a heads up for anyone who hasn't got this cute little guy, be prepared for a long frustrating time. 1 yeti spawns every 30 minutes and there are players out there that are killing them for fun. As others have stated, check low pop servers. I got 2 in an hour by doing a little server hopping.
FYI.....If you do all of Northrend, Pandaria, Draenor and Legion Bonfires, you will have enough Burning Blossoms to get the pet without doing Eastern Kingdoms, Kalamdor and Outland. I started with Legion and worked my way back through Draenor, Pandaria and Northrend. When I finished Northrend, I had 375 Blooming Blossoms.
As far as I know, there is no alternative to the pug, because the princess costume you need is specifically for the pug only. As far as a group effect, I don't know.
Having a great deal of problems finding this pet. I am guessing the spawn rate is extremely low. Spent hours looking and haven't found one yet. Realm hopping doesn't seem to help either. This is the last one I need for the achievement.
I found the fossil a few days ago at the waterfall everyone has mentioned, but after searching every cave every day for the past 4 days I have not found the egg. Does the egg only spawn when the npc is up? If not, then I am having some really bad luck.