Nuwt's Comments
(9) comments by Nuwt

Comments by Date (9)
Agree with piece of cake, as well as using Fragment of Desire. I got there when the race was already 3/4 done and still was able to make Zoom win. Got the achieve and the pet showed up in my pet tab immediatley after Zoom crossed the finish line.
Seems to be hit or miss. I've checked several times before and not seen a one. Yesterday post server reset the cave (cave entrance is below ruins on hill facing water) was full of them. Managed to get rare P/P. Saw one right outside entrance to cave, but cave is where they apparently spawn.
Still seems rare occuring. Looked several times last few months - no luck. Tried yesterday after server reset hoping this woud help, still didn't see any. Took a leaf off previous comments playbook and battled all pets in/outside city, still no luck. Circled area without seeing any, made last swing by and saw/captured one (uncommon) just outside city gates. Box checked off, don't plan on wasting any more time looking, weak pet for battles really.
You can get this pet via the Tiller's farm, but I've gotten only one after ~500 attempts (plantings) - would highly recommend just buying from AH. This is a must have when you're wanting that elusive pet and really don't want to kill it. Just watch out for the occassional pets that have damage to self moves (e.g., Headbutts that deal damage to self as well as other pet) or if you have a DoT in effect and you get them too low with weakening blow before capture.
They are still dropping... I caught Mr. Pinchy after about 25 minutes fishing (big lake with island in middle), not sure if it mattered but I did use lure with combined fishing of 1135. Magical Crawdad dropped on first attempted, will update if I get more than one from the box. I'm looking foward to fighting this one as it has been frequently mentioned, esp. in PvP battles. UPDATE: only the one dropped, other two "wishes" gave buffs.
Had luck ~9:30 AM on Dalaran on a Monday, found a few and noticed that they continued to re-spawn as I battled them. No rares in about 15 battles but got 3 uncommons.
Repeat of previous posts - this pet is now very available. I found three almost immediately (one under Dalaran and 2 in Icecrown).
My go-to leveling pet. Use Rocket/Pigout/Decoy and can solo most high level Critter/Beast/Flyer teams. I've done the Frostwall circuit countless times leveling pets and unless unlucky usually only need LMF, and if done right, Pigout will let you finish with full health. Hard to beat in this category.
Objective: Low pop. server (Garosh), 3 days camping, no sightings. Immolatus spawned, 20 minutes later one Minfernal spawned. Subjective: Pure RNG, nothing you do changes spawn rate. You want, you camp. Same odds any server, low pop. less competition. You'll probably be doing pet battles to pass time, but keep a lvl 25 in third slot with Weakening Blow, Super Bark, etc. to knock down but not out - DO NOT KILL, or you will be hating life.
PS World Safari, baby!