Nuwa's Comments
(12) comments by Nuwa

Comments by Date (12)
Finally got one after weeks of searching. Just was sitting right there waiting for me around noon. Rare on top of that :)
Killed a few eggs and got one to spawn within mins. Sadly a common but at least he is part of my collection. Might use a stone on this one if i don't have time to farm a rare.
Found in dread waste on the coast. Came as 2nd was a rare thankfully. Fiesty little thing to catch tho.
Caught as second on the coast
Came as third pet. Easy enough, only took 2 wild pets to go thru to find one.
Found at Garrosh'ar Point on an island near the ship following a regular otter. Was a poor but not complaining.
3-4 in a group none else where around 5 st
Uncommon captured around noon server time tons of them all over the place.
Also a neat note that all the other pets were able to be battled at that time as well.
Lots of snow!
Foundas 2nd with a fire proof roach, uncommon
Found him all alone in the AQ fallen area no other battle pet with him. Level 16 poor tho, but at least he added to the collection till I find a rare xD
Confirmed: Sable Ridge both twilight pets took 3-4 tries for rares of each
Can't wait to meet my fellow pet collectors. Especially those who collected them well before pet battles! #warcraftpets