Noobalator's Comments
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Use this guy on the majority of my Beasts of Fable dailies, he's a little powerhouse.
I literally hate everyone using this in PvP. 9/10 someone has 1-2 on their team, and it's an annoyance. Really hope they change this pet up in WoD.
Got about all 4 of these pets in a matter of an hour or two, was fairly easy. However, this is probably one of my favorite pets to use while power leveling other pets to 25 outside of tamers. Just post up in the Vallrey of the Four Winds and this little guy will never go below half health while 2 hitting the pets there. Leap basically makes you faster than any mob and bloodfang self-heals half your health on a kill.
Finally caught this eluding pet at 3:15 PM server time on Blackrock. Was beginning to get discouraged after several realm resets and not finding it. Was flying on my way to Nax to do my weekly pet run there when Icehorn picked up on NPCScan. Realized how close this was to the unborn spot, flew right over and there she was (80.98, 47.58).
Poor quality but I don't care, I'm just so glad to check this off.
Had about 4 toons camped across different servers, and thankfully to my daily fiber, I went afk to relieve myself and stayed logged in. Sure enough literally as soon as I got back to sit down and log out, it started to rain. Started around 5:10 PM server time on Blackrock, lasted roughly 17 minutes. Long enough for me and another collector nearby to both nab a rare spawn.
Got it on my 3rd bag, but it seems I have good luck with these because I got my eye on the 2nd bag. Still pretty stupid how they're going for 50k+ atm.
The fight itself was fairly easy, used Scourged Whelpling/Son of Animus/Darkmoon Tonk.