Nonquixote's Comments
(4) comments by Nonquixote

Comments by Date (4)
Got Graves immediately upon achieving player level 20. So far as playing HotS: The AI game will kick you completely out after 2 or 3 minutes if you aren't actively engaging the enemy. Valla is the consensus easiest toon to play. The length of the game seems to matter more than anything else for xp, longer is better. Buy a stimpack when you start, it's worth the $3.99. Worth the time investment to get Graves, but I'm glad I'm done!
On 2/4/16, 7:30 ET I spent less than 30 minutes collecting all three breeds. Just flew the paths spamming this macro:
/tar Snowy Owl
/stopmacro [noexists]
/script PlaySound("RaidWarning")
/run RaidNotice_AddMessage(RaidBossEmoteFrame,"Snowy Owl!", ChatTypeInfo["RAID_WARNING"])
Now granted I didn't get a rare, but with battle stones as easy to get as they are that wasn't a big deal to me. Best of luck!
Just ran the Underbog on my 90 DK. The Hibiscus quest is alive and well, clearing the Underbog and collecting/turning in Hibiscus 5 times got me from Neutral to Exalted in about an hour and a half. Quest giver/turn in NPC is right inside after you zone into the Underbog. Bear in mind that you get rep for killing the mobs in the zone as well.
Took the advice of some of the posters here and tried resetting the dungeon and checking with a /tar Yellow Junkhopper macro each time. The eighth time that I entered the dungeon I had a Yellow Junkhopper on the beach. Got stupid and killed it by accident. Came back in an hour and started entering the dungeon, running the macro, then exiting and resetting the dungeon again. Got another Yellow Junkhopper on the beach on the ninth try, and captured it.