Nocrea's Comments
(9) comments by Nocrea

Comments by Date (9)
IMO one of the coolest looking pets in the game. And it's so adorable when he spins around yelling "BONE STORM!" He's quickly becoming my favorite. <3
I think Blizz made the race easier since launch. I remember trying it in the early weeks of Legion and thinking it was impossible, but went back and did it after 7.1 and it was a piece of cake.
I didn't use any toys or tricks, but I did use walk mode which made it feel less clunky. Good luck!
I'd like to echo/confirm what some others have already said. These things seem to spawn only once all of the Tainted Rats in the area are dead. I ran around and killed every rat I could find (even the non-battle ones) and, suddenly, a single Minfernal was available to battle.
Update: This doesn't seem to work every time. I must've gotten lucky the first time because I'm having difficulty getting it to happen again.
There are dozens of these in the location shown. Between that and the fact that it only comes in two possible breeds, you shouldn't have to worry about stoning this guy. I managed to find a rare H/S after only 5 or 6 battles.
I found two rares in one battle on the little island at 27.30, 87.15. I probably just got lucky, but thought I'd let y'all know anyway. :)
Got lucky and found one just outside the entrance to Felsoul Hold. Since some are speculating that spawns may be time-based, I got mine at about 11:20 pm realm time. Happy hunting!
In Legion, these can also be found in several places around the Broken Isles (updating as I find more):
- The watery areas around Shackle's Den in Azsuna
- The beach to the southwest of Nar'thalas Academy in Azsuna (near the pet battle world quest "Dazed and Confused and Adorable")
- Tideskorn Harbor in Stormheim
I can also confirm that they are availible in Highmountain as both primary and secondary encounters.
It seems rediculous to me that this pet comes in multiple breeds, given that, as far as I know, you can only get one per character. You can repeat the quest on alts, but you have to be at least level 90, so finding the breed you want might take a really long time (unless you get lucky).