Nitza71's Comments
(3) comments by Nitza71

Comments by Date (3)
1-3 of 3
Re: Thrillbot 9000
Not sure why this says you can have 3. I bought 3 codes (because I'm outside the USA) and when I went to enter the 2nd code it says I already have access to this pet and won't let me enter the code. Same with the Chillbot 9000.
Posted: November 07, 2024 4:20:03 PM
Edits: 1
Rating: +2
Has there been any info on how many battle pets you are going to be able to have in Shadowlands? I know right now you can have 1500 and I'm almost full at this point. Is it going up?
Posted: October 06, 2020 2:53:40 PM
Edits: 0
Rating: 0
1-3 of 3
Not sure why this says you can have 3. I bought 3 codes (because I'm outside the USA) and when I went to enter the 2nd code it says I already have access to this pet and won't let me enter the code. Same with the Thrillbot 9000.