Nightswow's Comments
(12) comments by Nightswow

Comments by Date (12)
IMO I think manafiends are really underrated. Three or two with the combo of amplify magic, arcane storm, arcane explosion make a great strategy for specific fights. I found this so useful when going for the all magic pet achievements.
Because both moves attack the whole team the backline pets lose hitpoints almost as quickly as the front one, this is especially useful for battles like BFA Lozu. My only note is sometimes the breed does matter so collect afew as they all have just one breed type.
IMO I think manafiends are really underrated. Three or two with the combo of amplify magic, arcane storm, arcane explosion make a great strategy for specific fights. I found this so useful when going for the all magic pet achievements.
Because both moves attack the whole team the backline pets lose hitpoints almost as quickly as the front one, this is especially useful for battles like BFA Lozu. My only note is sometimes the breed does matter so collect afew as they all have just one breed type.
IMO I think manafiends are really underrated. Three or two with the combo of amplify magic, arcane storm, arcane explosion make a great strategy for specific fights. I found this so useful when going for the all magic pet achievements.
Because both moves attack the whole team the backline pets lose hitpoints almost as quickly as the front one, this is especially useful for battles like BFA Lozu. My only note is sometimes the breed does matter so collect afew as they all have just one breed type.
IMO I think manafiends are really underrated. Three or two with the combo of amplify magic, arcane storm, arcane explosion make a great strategy for specific fights. I found this so useful when going for the all magic pet achievements.
Because both moves attack the whole team the backline pets lose hitpoints almost as quickly as the front one, this is especially useful for battles like BFA Lozu. My only note is sometimes the breed does matter so collect afew as they all have just one breed type.
IMO I think manafiends are really underrated. Three or two with the combo of amplify magic, arcane storm, arcane explosion make a great strategy for specific fights. I found this so useful when going for the all magic pet achievements.
Because both moves attack the whole team the backline pets lose hitpoints almost as quickly as the front one, this is especially useful for battles like BFA Lozu. My only note is sometimes the breed does matter so collect afew as they all have just one breed type.
Appearance wise-Looks awesome and has this squeaky voice that is hilarious when hearing his 'world domination' dialogue while summoned or battling! He is also a lot bigger than I first imagined which is great to be able to see your summoned pet for once haha.
Battle wise-He is a fantastic big hitter if you need a pet to finish off an opponent, but is killed easily so not very useful in a strategy requiring his longevity. Great in strategies that only need a few hits from him, others not so much.
I have only used the Iron Starlette for the instant KO strategy (since I just have the P/P version), and I reckon this is one of if not the BEST instant KO pets out there. The Wind-Up, Supercharge, Wind-Up combo works so effectively and turns a difficult fight into a piece of cake. Toxic Smoke is a great filler too. I have not used other breeds but the moveset this has really does go for maximum damage so im happy with the P/P as if it dies early its likely not the right pet for that fight.
One of my favourite pets of all time. He looks amazing with his frosty whiskers, breath and aura but is a great battle pet too.He even has his own NPC and backstory, how cool!
I like his versatility with having Beast and Elemental moves. Pounce is awesome as he almost always hits first with a 325 speed rating, this combats his lack of power which I have found the only downside.
Also you cant be a true Crazy Cat Man/Lady without him in your collection :P
Well worth the achievement grind!
This was my second Dwarf artifact, was so stoked when I realised what it was!
Often a choice in any of my all mechanical teams and any battle where lots of little shots are more effective than big power ones.
Build Turret is one of my favourite mechanical moves, counters things like Bubble and Decoy with ease. Not a heavy hitter or great against pets with Shell Shield and the like but an awesome pet in the right situation.
Brightpaw is one of my favourite magic pets, not only does she two shot flying pets but many others as well thanks to the Prowl then Dash combo. Speed of 289 makes her usually faster than other pets too which is great for getting in a few more hits. A great pet to use when battling wild pets and strategy wise I recommend using her for taking down a specific pet and then damaging the next one as much as possible (taking a big move too is even better).
Unless a specific set of moves or stats is required the Aletrac Brew Pup is handsdown my go to Beast pet. Tough n' Cuddly, Call the Pack followed by Bite devastates and the pup doesnt die easily. Nearly soloes the critter Beasts of Fable too (for eg.). It is well worth the money spent to have this in your collection :)
This is such a miniscule pet, which I actually like the irony to as it is such a tough hitter. Having Great Sting can really knock some damage into a backline set of pets while having other moves that dish out good damage as well. This is a great pet to have in a suitable fight.