Nellydreadful's Comments
(3) comments by Nellydreadful

Comments by Date (3)
By FAR the most fun way to solo Rocko Needs a Shave.
When working towards An Awfully Big Adventure, do NOT treat this pet as dead weight. The plushie can and will work for the achievement with you, if you let it! The plushie has no offensive abilities, but it is the ULTIMATE damage sponge. Get it to max level and stoned to rare and it can soak just about anything thrown at it. Swap it in to take the big hits while your attack pets hide safe behind its cuddly bulk.
This lil' guy's a great help for levelling lvl1 pets up to the point where they can survive against tamers. I like my levelling pets to be at least level 10 before I start power levelling them in the dailies. Ice barrier can protect a level one from a wild pet for one turn so I can get them to that level 10 point.
Do NOT use terrible turnip's Sunlight ability when trying to catch this guy. With its heals and its own health pool boost from Ancient Blessing, this thing turns into a terrifying unkillable GOD in Sunlight.
On the plus side, once you HAVE caught him, the turnip and the proto have fantastic synergy as a pet catching/levelling team. The turnip catches whatever you're hunting, then the proto eats all its friends while they barely dent its vast sunlight and blessing enhanced health.