Mystery's Comments
(4) comments by Mystery

Comments by Date (4)
"Glendora".....Trying to catch my first, and I get there, its raining, first battle is a rare and it won't let me trap. I tried 8 other times and I cannot trap my first ape. Whats up with that?
I had that issue a couple times, the problem is you either have the allotted 3 of that pet or you have 650 pets already, try deleting some of your extra pets if thats the case.
After a few days of combing the area for one of these i finally found 2 adult giraffes walking with 2 baby calves, south of Desolation Hold in Southern Barrens.
I can confirm that the festival is not starting at the time it has in the past, 9 and 11 pm, on Bloodhoof server. I was there at both times last night and it wasn't until 12 midnight that the npc's started to show up, which would make it 9 pm pacific time. After it began, the pets began to appear, i grabbed the closest one to me and it was a rare.
I just got the design for this today, from the Vale of treasures. I made 4 and seems they are all Uncommon, not sure if its possible to make a rare one, so are you sure you bought a rare?
As for caging some pets, you may have to wait 24 hours for that option after you learn it.