Mynxie's Comments
(19) comments by Mynxie

Comments by Date (19)
Just a heads up, blizz has greatly reduced the odds of a Kirin Tor emissary popping up. Getting the pet will be even harder now. I found one on the AH for 85k
edit to respond to top post: This pet can't be caged if you learn it. It can still be sold on the AH to those who got the item from quest and never clicked to add pet to journal
IT HAS A LITTLE MOUNT WHEN YOU MOUNT! Sooo cute. Was happy to drop 17k on it lol
Obscenely low droprate - or might be my RNG. but I'm going on multiple characters every week with bonus rolls and I still don't have this. Might buy it soon since I occasionally see it for under 5k in the ah
Found mine right away upon logging in when servers were up. It was a primary pet (I also had a /tar unborn val macro that worked). 2 critters were with her in the battle. No idea what the spawn timer is though. Found it NE Zul'Drak but I heard spawns are completely random
I like this one best
Found a lvl 25 on the AH for 190k. The perks of being on a high pop realm :) I LOVE this pet!
My lowbie monk was able to find one in the monk training area
I can confirm with a frost DK killing the boss is very easy. When he's at 1hp and frozen break out army and all of your cds. Unfortuneatly the pet didn't drop for me
Found a lone rare west near Kara. From what I've seen only 1 or 2 will spawn at a time. Cool pet - it leaves a trail when you move
I managed to get one on a high pop realm with tons of people waiting around. I had a /target wanderer's festival hatchling macro ready to spam with an interact keybind. If the statue is really crowded, go near the shoreline for a better chance of clicking one first
Saw one spawn at exactly 12am server time near Frostsaber Rock. They spawn all over the zone. Now is good time to get one - go hunt your owl! The rare version seems very rare. I cleared out the zone on 2 different CRZs and still didn't find a rare until the next day
The spawn rate of these is atrocious. So I waited until Tuesday's maintenance, logged in right away, and there were 5 of them
I logged on to a storm. I must have just missed the start because I stuck around for about 2 hours and not one hatchling spawned! Not sure if it's bugged or what. The respawns seem random and are NOT guranteed. Your best bet is to be there right when a sandstorm begins. This is more frustrating than the Minfernal
This pet is really flashy and looks great. I found mine really late at night - the spawn time seems long
Adorable pet! I managed to get one by the veiled stair and my team wasn't even high level (in the 14-16 range). You just have to get lucky some of its abilities miss and the trap works
Super cute pet. If you can't find a RAF, just make a separate second account, if it's worth $15 to you.
Also, Rikki waves if you /cheer or /wave