Myadrall's Comments
(4) comments by Myadrall

Comments by Date (4)
Made a DK yesterday (on a Brazil server) to catch a minfernal. After I caught him, I decided to park the character on the Isle to log on randomly to try for Baby Ape (since ive yet to see it rain on my main in weeks of looking) and as soon as I got my character there, it was raining. Just dont give up and keep looking, but try not to go crazy! Baby Ape is so cute he's worth it! GOOD LUCK! :D
So I broke down after a week of searching, made a DK on a Brazil server, it was empty out there and at 10:45pm my time, I made a path from top of Shatter Scar Vale and killed every critter I found down to Jaedenar and back up again. Took a couple run throughs, about 35 mins later, there was a minfernal spawned right in middle of the Vale. Logged on my main character and there was one spawned at the ruins at the top of the Vale. GOOD LUCK AND HAPPY HUNTING!
Been looking for this guy off & on for a couple days. I didn't camp out or anything, but was starting to get frustrated. Finally today I re-read the last 20 comments & decided to check Forward Command, & there he was, wondering around the camp . Good luck to anyone else looking for him. Dont give up! it helps to take your frustration out on the lower level mobs and regular critters roaming around lol. Now im off to sit around felwood for an eternity waiting for a minfernal haha
As a hunter, this is my favorite pet to have out with me because I have a matching pet and the Winterspring mount as well. One of the cutest little cats in the game. Plus, my favorite color is purple and my character has purple hair lol