Muskey's Comments
(5) comments by Muskey

Comments by Date (5)
1-5 of 5
Re: Young Venomfang
I got one. :-)
A common (H/P).
As it's "Pet battle bonus event" I will upgrade it and level it.
Posted: March 30, 2017 1:25:18 PM
Edits: 0
Rating: -1
Re: Weebomination
@Artemisthemp : the pet is cageable/tradeable
Posted: December 05, 2014 5:20:25 AM
Edits: 0
Rating: +1
Re: Minfernal
After only finding the breeds I didn't want, I finally was lucky two days in a row.
Got a P/P first and the day after a H/H.
I now have to invest stones to upgrade them.
It is real cool to see them together. :-)
Posted: May 09, 2014 4:23:52 AM
Edits: 0
Rating: +1
Re: Unborn Val'kyr
I have three of these marvelous creatures.
Guess what: one of them is a male.
Unborn Val'kyr - 25 - 1806276227H/H
A pity: the symbols between the numbers don't show.
Posted: April 19, 2014 8:59:35 AM
Edits: 1
Rating: -3
1-5 of 5
Just (Feb 23, 2019) got mine as a primary pet at coord (70.58, 38.74) in the feeding grounds.