Mumrah's Comments
(13) comments by Mumrah

Comments by Date (13)
Citterspine Devourer is a great battler. Perfect stats to get the most out of Devour and keep himself topped off on health. Spiked Skin is really strong with 331 power. He absolutely destroys critters and is great against undead and elementals. I use him often.
Just got my Gummi!
I ordered two bags of the 7.2 oz Trolli Sour Brite Crawlers for $2.50 each on When the order arrived in the mail I went to "My Orders" on amazon, then clicked on "View Invoice" I then took a screenshot of my invoice and sent it to Gummi via the promotion page. They responded the next day with my Gummi battle pet code. Sweet, nice pet, thank you.
Wooooo! I just got this pet today playing as Monk in the Legion Expansion. Patch 10.2.5. It took me about a week. I had to do the Monk Order Hall quests to unlock all Followers and then finally the quest on the Broken Shore for your Monk Class Mount.
Once you unlock the Mount: Ban-Lu (Gorgeous Mount), then the pet Ban-Fu, Son of Ban-Lu will also be unlocked! He is sold by Vendor Mei Chele in The Temple of Five Dawns for 1,000 Order Resources. Amazing Pet. Prowl/Feed combo is sick. Wow.
A pretty decent battler, very fast and has some nice abilities. I like to blow up flying pets with the big burst of damage from Arcane Dash.
This pet has a variation. Two different skins.
I just summoned mine and I noticed it is pretty large for a slime (awesome), and it has bones floating in it. All the other versions I have seen online or on the AH are just plain yellow with a face. Can anyone confirm how rare it is to get the one with bones in it?
The Invertebrate Oil is already the crown jewel in any slime collector's pet collection(along with Living Fluid and Filthy Slime), but getting the version with bones in it.....sweet!
What!? Only 3 stars in combat, are people actually using these pets before they vote? He hits very hard thanks to his 326 power, can be fast due to Face Bite, and is also easy to keep alive through his OP Feed ability.
The Wicked Lurker destroys critters, elementals and flying pets thanks to his diverse set of abilities. Trust me, you wont regret having this great battler on your squad.
Adorable pet. One of those cool, unique pets that is fun to have tagging along on your adventures. She has her own larian mount.
I wish she would fly the skies with you, but she is only a land pet. uncommon quality upon collection, but well worth a battle-stone to upgrade to rare.
I was surprised how big Rotbreath is when summoned. When you feed him a magical pet biscuit he is enormous.
It's fun to combine Spiked Skin followed by Acid Rain and then Dreadful Breath to easily destroy the entire enemy team.
Thank you Blizzard for such an amazing battle pet!
Gloop looks just like Anomalus, however, Gloop has a slightly darker purple coloring. Gloop is also much larger then Anomalus. Sweet!
Amazing pet! Not sure why his battle rating is so low, he is a beast in pve battles. If he gets a little low on health, you can cast Swarm of Flies and then put him in the back row, he will continue to heal from humanoid racial. Combine Swarm of Flies with Call Lightning to summon an angry swarm of lightning flies! He hits like a mack truck with 349 power, combine that with being a humanoid and the most potent Sandstorm in the game! This ferocious little runt is a must own!
These only appear as primary, they will not enter a battle as a back up pet. I have spent (no joke) about 12 hours flying around Spires of Arak looking for a rare Bloodsting Wasp. As of this post, I am still looking! It seems finding a rare is no easy task. I am thinking of giving up. Update: Found my Rare in Ravenskar, right in the middle of Spires of Arak. Yay!
Just went through Razorthorn Rise looking for a p/p or an s/s of these critter destroyers. I captured a common s/s and a poor p/p. Which breed should I use a battlestone on to upgrade to rare? Should I go with the power breed or the speed?
This is the only pet I need for Khaz Algar Safari Achievement. I have spent hours looking for it and can't find one.
I think patch 11.0.5 broke the spawn of this pet. Can anyone confirm finding one after patch 11.0.5? I just want to know if I am wasting my time looking, it feels like I am. If it gets fixed please let us know.