Muld's Comments
(2) comments by Muld

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Re: Gilnean Raven
In reply to a previous comment. My Raven's only miss against Elementals because they ignore all weather effects, maybe your opponent swapped in an elemental? I know I like to do that when I see one :) Still 50/50 but it's still funny and possibly game changing when it misses.
Posted: January 24, 2014 8:02:13 AM
Edits: 0
Rating: +1
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One of my favorite pets, in the S/S breed especially. This pet is very hard to counter, it also effectively has a free swap out if it comes up against a counter such as a mechanical, however, Poison dots are strong vs them so even these are no real problem, not many pets can actually get an edge over their hard counter types, if I see a mech I will simply blind then poison and usally swap out, on a mech this dot is worth about 600dmg, which is basically free as they will miss 2 turns!