Mudhoney's Comments
(32) comments by Mudhoney

Comments by Date (32)
I mean, it can lick to reduce the enemy's speed so he benefits from kick AND dust cloud, so he's ok?
So on paper he is just a rabbit who is slower but hits harder. However he is the only mechanical/undead pet to have vengeance meaning he can get freely one shot, com back to life and use vengeance this is beyond broken in pve boss fight as if they hit him too hard he just says "no u" also mind you can get this guy in mechagon he's always in the same spot and he is guaranteed a rare s/s breed
Ok so get this: overcharage increases your critical DAMAGE by 50 whole percent and rain dance increases your crit CHANCE by 50 percent so then you can spam claw/bite and if it Crits, uhhhhh
so he has razor talons and Omni pummel it's simple omnipummel strikes 4 times in one round and razor talons in p/p breed adds like 130 damage to each omnipummel hit. Also you can switch out razor talons for his first one which you could get crits but i prefer razor talons
If you get the ss breed you can take flank and survival
Dat power doe
Like his brother solid dotter toxic fumes into toxic gas for dot then use 1st ability or us toxic fumes into sludge claw for big damage
Alright based on abilities he could throw out toxic fumes then use his poison dots then spam toxic fumes
Aside from Baal this is the only other pet with murder the innocent
Raise dead to revive dead pets then haunting song to heal them don't know what this will be in practice
Jar of smelly liquid has left the chat
Amazing bleed team pet it has a bleed and good racial along with a speed increase
Made a team with micro bot 8d as tank because he has high health and free swap along with good damage options, spraybot because he is one of the best dotters in the game with a good racial and toxic spray flame jet flamethrower combo, and this guy as main dps he can lock on supercharge lock on or supercharge ion cannon won 8 out of 10 games
Good tank with high health a good damage option and a free swap
If ss exisited on this pet it would be good
Crazy speed so tongue lash will do well and frog kiss if you get a stun can be huge
Ok ok ok ok ok so this guys has over inflated stats like the hermit crab but unlike the hermit crab he can't really use his speed aside from niche toxic skin reads
So this little guy has scratch which is a critter type move, he also has rot which deals undead damage and TURNS THE ENEMY INTO AND UNDEAD for a few round s, critter movs deal more against undead enemies, plus he is tanky, so this guy deals big damage while being tanky.