Moxer's Comments
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Can Confirm info from Wingz. I didn't spend two hours but it could be a luck thing. I killed the Beavers in the starting area in Stormheim and was able to get this lil guy to pop for me.
The Thornclaw broodling is a placeholder for these guys. I spent about 5 hours hunting this lil guy. So kill any thornclaw broodling to force this guy to pop and capture. The first one I saw I accidently killed took another 2 hours to see another one pop in completely different area. There are several spawn points for the Thornclaw Broodling. There is a Nice place to also farm the Eye of Inquistion and has 3-5 Thornclaw Broodling spawn points. Happy Hunting!
Confirmed - It's not only a secondary pet found several flying around the top of the mount area in the Harpy section.
Picked up a green one after aoe'ing place holders such as lava crabs and non-pet battle critters in the lava pools in Searing Gorge.
Time 11:18am CST
I found this a Primary Pet Battle on the isle that holds the Sepulcher of the First Ones Portal.