Morthya's Comments
(4) comments by Morthya

Comments by Date (4)
Does anyone know what the estimated drop rate on this is? I've yet to see one, despite mining loads of wild nodes as well as those in my L3 mine :(. there appears to be loads on the AH though.
Ferrin - don't worry, I still get Gorens in my level 3 mine :)
Much as I love this pet, I'm fed up of seeing him drop from my bags - I've got 5 now, not including the one I kept :( Tried selling them on the AH, but no-one wants to buy (trying to sell at 2000 each, as I need the gold to buy pets I can't otherwise get). Will drop the price and see if they sell.
I was really lucky with mine - third time of logging into the area, with at least 30 people of different servers milling around. Spotted one spawn under another player, zoomed in to get it - and it was a rare!!
Now all I need is a snowy owl :)
Just got this pet - it seems to have a levelling bug :/ Levelled it to 25, logged out to an alt, logged back to my main, and it was back to level 23.
Oh well, will try a levelling stone after tomorrow's dailies :(