Morrigahn's Comments
(2) comments by Morrigahn

Comments by Date (2)
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Picked up the Sharptalon and the Snowfeather last night. The Sharptalon offered me his quest but the Snowfeather has not. :( I'm starting to get a little worried as I have already leveled them both to 23. Do you think I should hold back on the Snowfeather until the Sharptalon dings 25 and I complete his first quest? My thought process being that maybe I can't have two of the same quests going at the same time.
*UPDATE:Just needed to summon Snowfeather on the toon who originally found it.*
Posted: October 27, 2016 4:42:38 PM
Edits: 1
Rating: +1
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Thanks to the coords listed below I got a nice blue SS at /way 88.38 47.71 (as a primary) Thank you!