Miusleeping's Comments
(5) comments by Miusleeping

Comments by Date (5)
No need to run up and down the mountain. Blizz might have made them more available. Anyway. I parked myself down the backside of the mountain where the stream is and battled both pets to my content. Rock area 44.20 and then the sharply jutting rock across the stream. Then you can head up to the temple and battle a spawn up there occasionally.
Keep killing the fledgling critters.
My guild has this pet FINALLY. Youre welcome to come and earn it. US-Sentinels Alliance, Order of Credendo Vides. Contact Anehelea #1814. Please specify that youre intested in the pet when you contact me if you ask to be an ID Friend. OR send me an in game mail and I'll hook up with you for an invite.
After 2 days of several hours, and leveling a couple of hundred of my 450 some odd pets (some twice), I've come to the conclusion that there aren't any rares and those of you who claim to have them are delusional with great imaginations. Wish I had a great imagination. :(
The boredom of hours and hours of pet battles must be causing hallucinatations because I'm thinking I have a rare at last. I'm taking a nap and if I wake and its still with me, I'll know its my imagination this time.
Your can also find Carrion Rats attached to Elfin Rabbits and others in Nordrassil.
On a side note, the little brat doesnt follow you around and, after awhile, it...disappears LOL Good fighter though.