Mistmare's Comments
(25) comments by Mistmare

Comments by Date (25)
Looks awesome, but too slow to be useful in pvp and lackluster moveset. Has "Wish" heal which is useful in pve occasionally and not on many pets. You'll get force swapped and rocked if you try this in pvp.
Got it off the twitch drop this week for free!
Good way to get the magic battler achievement during pet week. Have very low HP, and easily countered by a dragon team, sunlight, darkness, or a good player but that excludes 99% of the ppl during pet week who will mostly encounter this little guy then rage.
From the shaman legion class hall quest. Roll an alt that's an allied race and pick legion chromie time. Takes about 1-3 hours.
Beast with elemental moves which is bizarre and has limited usefulness - except EXTREMELY useful with the pet family achievements if you're stuck up against mechanical with beast family. There only seems to be one other beast that's all elemental and that's the "Collect 1600" reward which is out of reach for most of us.
Entangling Roots/Feathered frenzy combo decimates p much all the troublesome pve pets. Can be used in pvp teams to counter swap teams too, but less useful at that.
Got a P/P (poor) 12:38 am Dalaran on the Island.
Was timewalking while camping it. Left the rest up for other ppl. Were multiple.
Secondary on a rat Dalaran crater. Fought a bunch of other rats beforehand IDK if that does anything.
Found at entrance to cave near Keeshan's post
One of the best pets in the game. More or less essential. You can use them to battle low level pets without killing them using a primary ability w/no cooldown (unlike superbark w/a 4 round cd).
Also has a full party heal and works well on a sun team. For reasons that defy logic, often extremely cheap on the AH.
Caught one at 2:54pm server time. Dusk spiderlings were up too. So it has no relation to IRL clock. I think it's in-game daynight cycle or something.
Triumvirate's end, SE. Eredath got one.
Found North of Moonclaw Vale (SE Val'Sharah)
Got this right after the other broodling in Felsoul Hold. They can spawn at the same time. Rare.
P.S. The rare hits like a mack truck so have actual pets in the other non-turnip slots if you're looking for that. The other 2 pets seem to usually be flying pets in the area so have something with magic for cleanup.
Got one in stonescar gorge
Found on rockaway coast very close to a mudshell conch and swamplighter firefly.
Found in mucksnout den
Excellent pet with a great model.
If you run 2/2/2 it's basically unkillable in PVE and fairly decent in PVP (fast critters with Stampede are pretty much all that will kill it readily). Relatively low attack power and slow, but ideal for a stall team.
Sticky Web is also a very useful situational move in PVE esp. in some of the pet battle dungeons. You can spam it to stop fast swap teams, too.
One of the best looking pets outside of the shop, too.
Cute pet, and not bad and tanky at 1725, crouch, and 276/244.
Unfortunately, Bend Time ability either just doesn't work, doesn't work on any good abilities (e.g. shinchomper), resets everything to 1, or by the time you swap the pet in and out to reset you could have just put another darkness or sandstorm or whatever pet on the team.
Northrend. Fairly plentiful around server reset.
Used to be both really rare and really good. Still useful in some occasional PVE strategies and a really neat model that goes with Forsaken avatars nicely, but somewhere between totally useless and a disadvantage in PVP.
When you use Haunt, your pet is actually considered "dead". So if the other 2 pets are dead, you lose.
They're up. Just caught one 12/21/2023 3:04AM EST. Right near Mazthoril. Dalaran server.