Mickimini's Comments
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I have 3 of these now. I am currently holding one for a friend.
Important: If you engage her and she is using Unholy Ascension as her slot 3, DISENGAGE and engage her again, I just did, while holding her and she went from slot 3 UNHOLY ASCENSION to HAUNT.
You won't have to worry about her commiting suicide then :)
Happy Hunting!
I agree with Aspasito about the pettracker, it was a huge help, also several people commented on finding one when they came to do Grand Master Trixxy's Daily pet tamer.
I had gathered one of each breed s/b and p/b prior to today, when the season first started, I like many others were searching for the elusive owl and after many times of coming to the zone, I gathered those 2.
Today, I came to Trixxy and as I was flying I realized the Snowy Owl was the only pet in this zone, I did not have a rare of. I thought to myself, I might as well stone the Owl, because the likelihood of me spotting a rare, would be rare, indeed.
Ha. I get to Trixxy, moments after this thought, and there is a Snowy Owl waiting for me and, yes, it was a Rare. (Shadowsong, 10:00am Server, 65.9,64.1)
Rare day indeed. Hats off to you, Trixxy, thanks for the XP on my pets, and watching this Snowy Owl for me, until I could get there ;)
So, this little guy, I have an S/B breed, and I use Alpha Strike, Cocoon Strike and Moth Dust and he can pretty much Solo No-No. More often than not, this little one can. Funny, I wasn't super excited about the moths, but they have turned out to be extremely handy in my Pandaren and Beast Dailies. I also use this one with Ti'un and SkittererXi. Just thought I would give the little guy some props. :)
Hi is this pet still obtainable? Do the guilds that had them still have them and can people still get them? I am insterested, I will go to any US server on any faction to get one. Please add me if you can help or direct me!
Thank you!