Miauzinha's Comments
(15) comments by Miauzinha

Comments by Date (15)
It will be always of rare quality. It is one per instance. You can catch multiple if you will wait inside the instance for it to respawn (if you joined using LFG tool), takes around 1h for respawn.
This pet can be tricky to obtain. It has an explode as one of his moves and if he uses it, make it impossible to collect him. I got this statergy from another website and it works → When you find yourself a Clanking Scrapsorter check its spells before you start fighting to see if explode is there. If it is, back out of the fight and re-enter. Repeat this process until explode is not an option for him and you will be able to obtain this pet. Happy pet hunting!
Found inside mechagon dungeon just nearby entrance. He was near some mobs but I've managed to engage him on fight withouth aggroing the dungeon mobs. Plus is that he was a rare :)
I was reading and thinking: NO, just NO. All the cuteness of companions/battle pets as being lil version of big in game mobs would be thrown down in the bin.
Then I remembered today is April's 1st... ;)
Got mine after 73 kills, very easy to farm for these as mobs constantly spawn and is a small area to go. Took me about 10 min farming I think. Wish all drop pets were like this one :)
Edit: Just got another one after another 20 kills. What I could observe is that both pets dropped from Elites. But you have to keep killing the little ones anyway to force spawn of the big ones.
Anyone knows what is the best breed for pet battles for this guy?
Tip to get it on the breed/quality you want. Engage fight, if its not the breed or quality you want, forfeit and kill it, do it with every you find, they spawn very quick and doing that I've found a rare S/S on my 4th fight. (Respawn of the first poor quality I've killed on 1st try)
Found a rare Masked Tanuki Pup as second pet to a snake after I had found a rare Masked Tanuki as second pet to a frog :)
After going through a lot of poor and uncommon quality I've finally found a rare S/S in Azuremyst Isle @ 42,35 coordinates.
Got one right now, it was inside the cave and is poor quality H/H. I think I was lucky as server is full now at this time and there was plenty people in the tower when I spotted the paw. Anyone knows what breeds are better for these guys? Shall I stone it to rare being H/H or wait until I get a better breed? :) Thanks
I just have used a critter battle stone on him (mine is green quality) and it didn't become blue quality. Is it a bug?
Got a blue item on my bag but upon learning it is added as an uncommon type on my book and also on my pets showing here on the page. Not sure if is a bug or intended, same logic would apply to the macaw parrot, which is an epic item on your bag but when you learn its not an epic quality pet.
I've found one last week as mere luck, it spawned under my feet but it was H/P. I went back on a tuesday night before a server rolling restarts and there was 4 of them there but I couldn't battle pet cause the server for battles had restarted already. Waited for my server to restart, logged back in and chose the one that was P/P breed. Another DK lvl 58 was around so I guess someone just did that DK on my server (low pop) to get one too :) Checking the area after server restart is a good call :)
I would like to THANK A LOT whoever said that they got theirs after the daily quests reset. I've waited the daily resets yesterday (3am EU Server time) and went for a ride in Northrend over the spawn points. Found one at Dragonblight at Forgotten Shore. Poor quality. Then just out of curiosity I kept flying on the remaining spawn points I havent checked and found another one about 10 min later in Sholazar Basin, near River's Heart. Common Quality. Both were B/B. Now to farm for a H/H one :)
It says S/S on battle info but I just got one that is B/B ?
Maddening Deeps back line pet for the oozes in the area (needs to get the buff to be able to see the oozes). I've managed to find a rare B/B as backline from an ooze (went there for farm for oozes and got myself lucky).