Metia's Comments
(3) comments by Metia

Comments by Date (3)
Got Xu the first week, and have not regreted having the adorable glowy fuzzball around once.
To beat him I used Mechanical Pandaren Dragonling (upgraded to rare) with flyby, bombing run, and decoy. Start with bombing run, and hit Xu with flyby till bombing run resolves. At which point I cast decoy (to eat the feed) throw up another bombing run... promptly die, then finish off xu with any of the hard hitting mechanicals (Darkmoon tonk, Warbot, ect) using shock and awe, then finishing off Xu with an Ion cannon
Signed up to offer some help on the tourny pets.
Yu'la was probably the easiest of the lot. I used either Gregarious Grell with punch, dodge, cauterize (can solo her with ease)
Or lil bad wolf (used a s/s) with claw dodge, howl ( he usually died with her at 400 or less hp) and I finished her with anubisath idol punching her one or two times.
I hate Chi-Chi, he's made me restart 4 times.
This week, I had my easiest go at him.
Started with Gilnean Raven and used Darkness, then nevermore. Tagged out to the Sprite Darter Hatchling, life Exchange then spam arcane blast till you die.
Then Lil' Deathwing darkness, Elementium bolt (you can swap those two depending if he has a tranquility up or not/if you know he has used his dodge recently) then finish off Chi-Chi with Tail Sweeps.