Mercylullaby's Comments
(2) comments by Mercylullaby

Comments by Date (2)
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Re: Viscidus Globule
Just killed this boss as a shadow priest. Picked up a cheap green dagger on the AH and enchanted it with Deathfrost.
On my first attempt, once I got him frozen I popped shadowfiend and started meleeing him. I failed.
I ran out of the room to reset him, pulled up my Argent Gruntling and grabbed the C'Thun trinket and the Netherwing trinket and tried again. Froze him, started meleeing, and popped shadowfiend, C'Thun, and Netherwing. Worked just fine! Unfortunately the pet didn't drop, but there's always next week.
Posted: December 14, 2012 5:16:16 AM
Edits: 0
Rating: 0
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Just to add in a little info: