Melfice's Comments
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Wow I must have this pet! I am a big fan of Moonlight teams for PvP, and this pet adds so much I think. Nice magic attacks, and a stun. Also, it will be able to refresh Moonlight.
Celestial Dragon, Xu-Fu and Sentinel's Companion. I can see the hurt now!
@Mojogrow I like your team setup for Yu'la! I'm going to give it a try tonight. I have been using this comp for PvP. I'm having a lot of fun with it, but I need more battles to see how it goes long term.
Yu'la - Grommloc - Spring Rabbit
I kinda of like Jadefire Lightning, but I think Breath is better since this is not an AoE team. Also, I find Life Exchange not making a big difference, and I rather have Lift Off instead. Life Exchange would own for a Sunny Day stall team tho!
Very cool pet, and I think he will do well on a stall team. Adds some damage, and heals. It should be fun to give it a try soon. Once I level the little Bloom to 25
This pet will be a new addition to my Moonlight teams. They are my favorite PvP teams, and I like what this new crab brings to the table.
I'll use the P/P breed for Moon Tears and Water Jet. Oh, and the shell blocks 86+ damage too! Can't wait to try this Moonshell Crab tonight!
Wow this pet looks like he will be a killer in PvP!!! Can't wait to get my pet in the near future
I'm really looking forward to Ikky on my PvP teams! He will do a lot of damage, and should be a blast using moves like Black Claw with Flock.
And being in the flying family, he will go first to upset the moves to burn targets down.
This is a pet I have been trying to buy on the AH! It would be an awesome addition to PvE and I think PvP as well.
Maybe I'll see a good deal on the AH soon, but most times its too much or not on sale
I got Syd on my first try, and he is a very cool looking pet. I'm thinking Syd the Squid might be a good addition to Dreadful teams. He will be able to protect/add Cleansing Rain, and add some heals/block to take some hits.
I'm going to see how Syd does tonight in PvP battles
First run and I got her! The S/B breed, but I would rather have the P/B for more damage. I guess the 289 speed is not bad, and I might put her on a team with a speed boost. Stun and DoT the pets up! It should be a lot of fun.
P/P Fjord Worg Pup
S/B Sister of Temptation
Royal Peac0ck (Rabbit, Teroclaw Hatchling and Death Adder Hatchling as other third pet options)
It might be a very fun team, and I can find other good pets to go with the SoT