Meiska's Comments
(9) comments by Meiska

Comments by Date (9)
If you want to start with the highest level one, grab one in Zangarmarsh. From the looks of the wowhead battlepet maps, they seem to populate on the south side generally.
Don't know how many colors they range in. Currently I have 2 different skins. Hoping there isn't more than 3 as I'd like to have one of each. One is a solid blackish blue, the other is yellow with black stripes. A lot like the water snake and rattlesnake skins (unless they too come in multiple colors)
Can confirm finding these guys in Southern Darkshore. Flew over the Grove of the Ancients and paws popped up everywhere. Approx level 3. They have the hibernate ability and use it, so if you don't trap successfully the first time, you may have to damage them a wee bit more.
I built one today with S/S was super happy as it was my first one.