Mcquester's Comments
(6) comments by Mcquester

Comments by Date (6)
Got this bad boy today after just 45 minutes of farming for my first time with my 110 Druid. Swamp of Sorrows. I stopped when my bags were full. One Hexweave was empty and another had about 6 or 7 open slots. I had 22 bags to open and I found a H/B rare on the second bag. Boy do I feel lucky. There is no down time in the SofS. I was killing them constantly.
Reward from the following quest
I used a slightly different strategy and completed the race in 17s. Hop 2 key and boost 1 key to the second gate. Take the second rocket on the left behind the rock. Use 1 key to boost to the reddish ledge. Run to Asmondgold’s jump point. Don’t jump east jump west with the 2 hop key. Now use 1 boost to get to the first check point. Spring to second check point with a 1 boost. Circle the check point if you have to until it’s done then using boost fly across to the land. The rest is the same.
I appears that this pet does not always spawn. Today is June 20, 2016 and ofically the first day of summer. There not spwaning. I'm guessing the spawn date is hard coded to June 21 and not the offical day of summer that any given year.
I know you are all going to wish me gratz because I got this pet on my first successful fight. Total failed attempts had to be at least 20. I had to level the right pets to get the winning combination. I can't wait to level this puppy and try him/her out. Only started pet battling about a week ago. I'm feeling very lucky and wish to you all the same luck.
This pet requires 250 Polished Pet Charms to purchase NOT gold.