Mchalenavy's Comments
(4) comments by Mchalenavy

Comments by Date (4)
Is this pet worth catching? I see no pure breeds (H/H, P/P, S/S)
Kill all "Maggot" critters & Battle pets around Skulk rock in the Hinterlands to make the Jade Oozelings spawn. ENTRANCE to cave where most of the oozes can spawn is at (57.39, 38.73). I have both Pure Breeds (H/H & P/P). Took forever.
If you get a GOOD BREED, then KEEP it!!! Even if it is the quality of the pet is POOR u can use a Battle-Stone to updrage it to RARE (
What is your Favorite Breed?
I am in Skulk rock hinterlands. I am fighting a (grey) LvL 11 Maggot. My display says it has 94 power and 165 speed with 519 HP.
I don't see it in the breed selector... AM I doing something wrong?
I trapped a lvl 15 common cockroach with 966 Health, 116 power & 140 speed.
I couldn't find the breed listed here in the battle info tab.
Would someone please help me figure out why it isn't listed?