Martini54's Comments
(6) comments by Martini54

Comments by Date (6)
Love this cute guy. Devastating combo with the chrominius. yet again, Need to find other use for my cute pets that just chew grass around and never see a battle. There must be other combinations to be seen and I am first pointed out to try other deadly teams.
Not able to live without it. Yet fed up to see all these strats just relying on him. Must find new strat with left alone pets dusting on the cupboard
it is indeed the cutest thing. And deadly can be. Underused in my opinion. I love the fact that it sits on your lap. One of my fav
I thought I would never get an hand on this one. I finally gave up the chase and just started questing for the argent tournament (to get the pets awarded with the quests). I just found one val'kyr where the big bird and his 3 friends pass around in Icecrown. And another one in Crystalsong just passing by for an argent tournament quest.
Don't waste your time sitting by wasting your time like I did. Take an alt an quest around. If you know the spawn spots you will eventually pass by your new to be pet.
Easy to get, no need to buff on speed. It is way smaller than expected. But still a very cute add.
One of my best as well for sure. It does deliver and can easily manage 2 enemy pets in a team, sometimes three. A must have, and for sure cute as well.