Marclargoner's Comments
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I'm considering one of those, a P/P breed for PvP to combat all the Valkyrs people are using nowadays, I figuere Tail Sweep + Sear Magic + Wild Magic can really hurt them. Can anyone give me some info about Sear Magic? Does it remove everything, like Haunt, Blinding Poison, Curse of Doom ? And what happens to the Valkyr when you dispell Haunt?
Mr. Bigglesworth is VERY useful for the Celestial Tournament as he can solo the last fight with Yu'la with no problems :) Follow the rotation :
Claw > Ice Tomb > Ice Barrier > Pass > Claw > Claw and then repeat :) I've used this 7 times now and it hasn't failed once :) He's also very useful in PvP, i find him a great counter against the Mechanical Pandaren Dragonling which is becoming very popular in PvP.
I had all the critters I want to level 25 and didn't need any new ones but after getting a Critter Training Stone from the Pet Menagerie Daily Quest 5 Days in a row and I used them on all on Egbert I decided to just level this guy to 25 :D