Mallidon's Comments
(4) comments by Mallidon

Comments by Date (4)
Decent little boosting pet. Can easily boost 2 pets on many trainers with Pig Out/ Decoy making this very hard to kill.
Don't really use it much in PvP battles though, it just doesn't seem as good as others with decoy (MPD for example is just better because of Thunderbolt).
Underrated pet, this and Axebeak Hatchling (I left a similar comment on as they are both the same). The Rain Dance/ Nocturnal Strike combo can literally one shot aquatic pets and sometimes a crit can almost one shot other types of pets too especially if you get a P/P. Great for PvP and great for boosting.
Poor defensively so hope you crit before you get crit!
One of these + Axebeak Hatchling + another power pet is my 'Big Crits' fun setup :D
Underrated pet, this and Bloodbeak. The Rain Dance/ Nocturnal Strike combo can literally one shot aquatic pets and sometimes a crit can almost one shot other types of pets too especially if you get a P/P. Really demoralising for your opponent in PvP and great for boosting.
Really poor defensively though so hope you crit before you get crit!
One of these + Bloodbeak + another power pet is my 'Big Crits' fun setup :D
With Jab/Dodge/Tornado Punch this pet is amazing. Great in the Celestial Tourney, great for boosting and I've ripped apart entire teams in PvP using just this guy. With the dodge (that usually stops 2 rounds) and the chance to stun from Tornado Punch, this pet can be very hard to kill!