Malfurious' Comments
(2) comments by Malfurious

Comments by Date (2)
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Re: Fluxfire Feline
Just a tip: Try finding a 'New players' server. Had one after 10 seconds
Posted: March 01, 2014 5:57:54 PM
Edits: 0
Rating: +1
1-2 of 2
I was farming all battle pets in Eastern Kingdom, using an addon (CollectMe), telling me all wild pets / zone. I started in EPL (I'm a DK, so that was easy). And made my way down south. When i was in badlands, i couldn't find a rattlesnake. So i checked this side and I read that there were plenty in Twilight Highlands, so i gave up on searching.
Then just when I wanted to leave the badlands, I found a rattlesnake all the way up in the mountains on the border with the Burning Steppes.