Mageglori's Comments
(10) comments by Mageglori

Comments by Date (10)
Finally got mine in Zul'Drak. It just spawned after I had done pet battles in the area for 2 weeks!
Wow, I did not know that I had this much patience! I did archeology for a month and a half to get this little guy! I was so happy when he showed up I screamed. My son thought I was crazy. But finally after 2,000 Tol'vir solves and who knows how many Pandaren solves I got him!
I have always kept up with my secondary profsessions, but this gave it a fun spin! Glad to have them all. Would really like to see a cooking (some kind of grease pet) and first aid pet (maybe a leech) lol!
Doing the fishing quest was long and tedious, but well worth it when you get all 4 of these little guys.
These are cute pets. I hated doing the fishing though!
I love these little guys, but not so easy to get them all :)
Being an Albino snake you would think he would be rare.
Typical Snake! My first snake to reach level 25 tough.
I think it's great! And a good way for them to keep us playing to earn the title. And it looks like an awesome pet. Can't wait to add it to my collection!
I have been here're all day and now they are doing a are start, hopefully that means................................................. we will be able to get it soon ;-) here's crossing my fingers!
I spent 2 hours pulling weeds everywhere. Then I pulled 8 at the pond and got the pet.