Madgreek65's Comments
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Took me 8000 kills. Ironically I got a Dark Whelping about 10 kills prior. Lots of work but nice rewards.
So I read this tip which claims it spawns at the hour:
Then I tried it out and it work for me at 11pm (Icecrown) and 1am (Borean Tundra). After spending many hours over the last few years looking for the Unborn, I got 2 in 3 hours. They were both uncommon but I used a stone to turn them to rare. I used a Darkmoon Turtle to capture it and solo the rest of the pets.
Worked again the next day and got a rare. 3 in 2 days!
You can kill two birds with one stone farming. You need 30 Glowcaps and Exalted with Sporegarr to get the Tiny Sporebat. The Glowcaps are all over the area where you farm for the Fireflies. You could easily get 3 sporebats for yourself and a few to sell by the time you finally get the Firefly to drop. Just farm between to two dots on the map on the previous tab that shows where the Firefly is. --- Update, Sporebat not sellable --- Update 2: took 1186 kills. I was realm hopping to reduce wait time for respawn. Got it. Left group and returned to my realm. Realized bags were full and did not get pet. Crying.
--Update, 800 kills later I got another one.
Nest was on the back side of the big tree at 62.7, 20.2 in NorthEastern part of Northern Barrens
Just fished him up in Timeless Isle while waiting for Garnia to spawn. I had been camping the lake on and off for a week or so and fish while waiting for the spawn.
Got it from a treasure chest in Gorgrond @ 57.0, 65.3 up on a mushroom
Finally! Was going to give up after 300 tries. Got it at 256. Lots of skins to sell too. Now time to level this bad boy up.
-- Update ---
I think you might be able to get more than one if you are nuts enough to spend the time. I killed a few more and my add on started a new count for me. I believe if you could only have one it would not count again because I have tried that on other pets.
Frostfur Rat takes him down pretty easy. Works well on Unborn Val'kyr also if you time the Refuge with the Haunt