Lunaeve's Comments
(5) comments by Lunaeve

Comments by Date (5)
I have been fishing for a few days (over 3000 casts) for this one. I tried in all the places suggested. Finally got it at the little pond near the Grand Master Pet Tamer Aki the Chosen in Vale of Eternal Blossoms (29.4, 77.5.)'s a little pond with some Silvery Carp swimming around ...took less than 100 casts at this location, but a lot of casts at different areas and bags and bags full of fish. But finally got it! Open Water. No lure. Just my Bone Fishing Pole.
I got mine in Drygulch Ravine and was lucky enough to get a Rare on the 2nd try...
I was searching around 7pm server time ... and I managed to find a lot. I flew to the Blackfathom Camp/Ashenvale Flight Path and the beach along there held a lot of them, so I just flew and battled - 90% of them were "Poor" ... I caught one "Common" and found another "Common" or two ... and I decided to look to see if they were on Ruuzel's Isle there, and there were three. One of them was an Uncommon.
I searched and searched around noon (server time/PST) couldn't find any. I was up late so I went there around 11:30 and at 11:58pm one popped in the middle of the map where the elemental twisters are... at midnight three more popped. I stayed until 12:30 to see if anymore would pop and they didn't...
I got Lion's Landing open in Krasarang Wilds, I did the grind for Domination Point Commission x 2000 for the Rodent Crate-told family to get Lion's Landing open - once I got the Crate, & then after they opened Lion's Landing (just open the Lion's Landing to pet battle them if someone else opens up a Crate)-I opened the Crate by the lighthouse, they started running around by the lighthouse, FP, Daily Quest Givers, in that area (that I was in)...and the 4 of us all caught three each.