Luckyhunter's Comments
(9) comments by Luckyhunter

Comments by Date (9)
So I thought I'd be grinding a lot longer for this pet than I did. It took me 6 attempts. Was pleasantly surprised, lol. I got Squibbles, a Flawless Dragonkin Stone, and 3 Pet Bandages.
I tried to farm for this guy YEARS ago and quit each time after hundreds of kills. Today, I decided to try again. Got him after about 40-45 kills. Needless to say my mouth dropped. But my advice is definitely to farm him on a Druid - super fast kills with travel form + you can make sure said Druid has herbalism/skinning for extra money. Kill two birds with one stone!
Oh how fun!....not.
I wonder if any of the Devs actually pet battle. Tedium is not fun. I don't fancy having to come up with new strategies to fight annoyingly difficult bosses. A lot of bosses were unbearable without the Flock + damage strategies. This is the HowlBomb nerf all over again. I wish they'd just add new pets and pet battle dungeons and stop trying to "balance" pet battles. They just make it worse.
I started farming for this pet on 6/1/18 with every character I have over level 105 (5 characters each day, essentially) and so that means I did around 20 runs before he spawned. Really happy. I was starting to get annoyed.
For the people who haven't seen him yet: don't give up! you'll find him soon. The easiest way to get there for Horde is to take the Dalaran teleport to "Old Dalaran" so hopefully that'll help with speed!
Spent several hours farming this pet yesterday and nothing. I got three Emerald Whelplings and a few World Drops though >.> <.< can I be lucky in a better more constructive way?! Haha. I'm going back today and hoping it goes better.
Edit: so after almost 3 weeks of farming this pet, 6 Emerald Whelpings, 200~ uncommons, 15 world drop BoEs, and over a thousand misc. leathers...I gave in. No drop so I bought off Auction House for 39k. At least I'll make it back with all the drops! XD
Started farming at 3:00 AM EST (it's the best time as from experience the chance you'll see another player is low) I got it on my 3,731st kill. It took me about 3 hours of killing. But the grind wasn't terrible.
Ugh. I was so frustrated because the drop rate made me feel like this wouldn't take a long time. It ended up taking me about 3-4 hours of solid grinding on mobs at the hold. I stopped keeping track at 1000 kills but I'm sure it was in the 2000 range.
Just make sure you go in a sweep of the whole area in like a V shape and pull as many as you can in one go. Mine dropped in the Blacksmith hut.
So I got mine today (4/16/2016).
I had given up hope on this pet after searching for it for MONTHS. But today my boyfriend asked me to make breakfast. I jokingly said if you want breakfast, you'll hunt for this rare pet for me and if you love me you'll find it. And what do you know...halfway through breakfast I hear him shout that he found it! I ran into the living room and battled and caught it for my own! :D needless to say he earned his breakfast. Haha.
Fished him up in Uldum during the assault. It took 136 casts.