Lottielot's Comments
(7) comments by Lottielot

Comments by Date (7)
I just got this and the festival started at 9pm as usual, despite changes on other realms since the patch. The Hatchlings spawned at 21:02 and were all gone by the time I finished my capture at 21:04.
It finally started raining on Nagrand EU tonight at 00:50 server time, and stopped at 01:05. I managed to get an Uncommon after a few tries. I also found a rare Forest Spiderling, Strand Crab and Lizard Hatchling on my hunt. Battling the other pets on the island during the storm definately encouraged fast spawns of the Baby Ape :) Good luck everyone.
I just got this little lovely, right after catching a Silithid Hatchling. So it was during a sandstorm. I doubt it's relevant but thought I'd mention it :) It was in the tunnel of Caverns of Time not too far down. Could see it on the map from just inside the entrance. 23:58 server time.
Ahh finally got my hatchling! It seems they've fixed the bug too, as I logged in and saw a sandstorm plus a hatchling I thought, damn I'm lucky for a change! But then after catching it I noticed loads of people flying around and the hatchlings just kept on spawning. So I stayed until I found a rare :) There were still loads of hatchlings up when I left. Looks like they don't disappear after the area is cleared anymore. Lovely :) Sandstorm was in full swing when I logged in Nagrand EU 23:45
I just got an Uncommon of this little guy within 5 minutes of arriving at Everlook. There were alot of people flying around and I thought it'd be a difficult one. But, I read the comments here, killed all of the robo critters in and around Everlook and after one circuit of killing, there was a cub right in the centre of the town :) 2 more spawned right after I captured this, on the nearby hills east and west of Everlook, but they were lesser quality. Good luck all :)
I got this little stinker last night after about 12 elites which ended up being about an hour and a half farm :) I made sure to go to the pool when there were no dailies relating to the area on, and I got the pool to myself, allowing me to just aoe the tinies until elites spawned. I definitely recommend heading to the zone when it is quietest as having someone else tag an elite while u are still killing the small ones would be highly frustrating. Good luck all, it is an interesting companion :)