Lobombre's Comments
(9) comments by Lobombre

Comments by Date (9)
Good call Amelise - I killed the Pewling Battle pets and critters and Dream Badger spawned in 5 minutes or so....ty!
Found at 50.74 37.99 Frontline
I agree - one fight invoved a poor quality pet and gray quality and another one was green! I guess gone are the days of battling multiple elites with stacks of bandages hoping for RNG to go your way! I hope they have a Pet dungeon this xpac....!
Spawn around Lexical Glade on random days...58.5, 83.2 Did not need to kill Critter or emote - just there ready for capture along with Predatory Helicid
....this just inĀ - it's cageable! Time to revisit the Maw on my alts...
Got this from a Bling6000 that was near the mission table. Didn't even know about this pet and i was just trying to look at my completed missions...so lucky I misclicked on that Blingtron instead!
Can anyone confirm that this pet still drops? Going on 20+ runs and not one Hatchling yet...Over 500 dead raptors with little to show
Yup - I spammed the target macro near Aimee (Pie and pastry vendor) it lit up and i spammed 2 /cheers at it and bam - right into mu Pet Journal. Thx!
I finally found an SS breed in the Maw near traitor Balthier as a backline pet