Little_missy's Comments
(7) comments by Little_missy

Comments by Date (7)
Circled the whole of Winterspring and no sight of it. Was wondering whether it only comes out in the snow; like the arctic fox in stormpeaks, which was also hard to find.
(Nope, doesn't have to be snowing, just saw one, someone got there before me and got it, will just keep looking)
(Captured one, internet disconnected, lost it. Saw another 10 mins later, caught it, uncommon, am happy. They are around and dotted all over the map, but not as often as the other pets).
Levelled about 50 pets from 5-8 looking for this rat, after levelling from 1-5 in SW against the rats there. Finally worked out there were no rare ones to be found around the Fledgling Buzzards and moved just to the east of the center of the map to an orc camp where the rats were primary. Captured a rare there quite quickly. 100s of linen and wool cloth for the guild bank for bandages and the tailors, while levelling my pets was reward for looking in the wrong place.
Was a proper little monster to catch, as he doesn't turn up often at all. No use in clearing mobs, taking down the other pets, waiting for rolling restarts, waiting for aligning stars or world peace. Just camp a character and return to it every so often and as luck may have it he will be there one day. I hearthstoned in Wintersping and levelled many lvl 8 pets to 15 there between a lvl 15 and a lvl 20. When I cleared them I would fly over for minfernal just to see. And one day there he was, my reward!
What's that she sings? "... there's a zombie on your behind?" Scary. I love to turn around and see her smile, especially as my dk gnome girl tends towards a little psychoticism (tho now she rolls with the Valkyr). Loved the quest for her. I wish there were more like it...for pets!! Remember she's a sunflower, so it figures you're gonna need lots of them to energise the other guys and defeat the zombies. So plant them early and there should be enough left when the zombies hit you hard in the later stages.
They've upped the drop rate; maybe getting back to the fisherman quickly is the key. I took my Mage to get the quest, ported back to Iron forge forlorn cavern to fish the croc out the water in about 5 mins. Ported back to fisherman and got all 4, without dupes, in 7 goes. So not too bad. The crocs fight abit like the regular cats and raptors, with the final moves that heal. So great to lvl with, not so great with the big hitters or sneaky ones, as they lack a wallop or any evasion. But good little monsters.
Definately not to be taken for granted; with tunneling ability hits hard and avoids an attack; with dodge, avoids another two, and triple strike in between causes constant damage, whittling away opposition hp. All this and critters are immune to stun and snare effects. Always able to take down Darkmoon Tonk, after Nexus Whelp took out the Eye, and would give the cheating monkey a good slap before Robobear finished him. So don't take that bunny for granted!
Does this little lady have a male counterpart? Most wild pets can be both. Anyone caught a male Val'kyr, does he look any different if they have? Heard both genders may figure in a "breeding" scheme Blizz had in mind. Been trying to double up on the pet count where I can. Val'kyr nearly dies as many times as she kills/wins. No wonder the Val'kyr fellas are hiding. Always feel kinda blessed with a Val'kyr at my shoulder. Be patient and she will come to you.