Linaste's Comments
(2) comments by Linaste

Comments by Date (2)
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Re: Jadefire Spirit
Finally got it today after 175 kills! Hopefully blizzard will make it up to me for the awful RNG on the next pet I go for.
For anyone who doesn't know: Jadefire is on the good ol' timeless isle 30-60 min spawn timer. When you kill him, it's best to mark down the time somewhere, run off and do other fun things, and come back when the 30 minute mark hits.
Posted: October 21, 2013 9:00:16 PM
Edits: 1
Rating: 0
1-2 of 2
Finally got this guy today!
Took me 3248 casts @ about 3.8 a minute. That's about 855 minutes or 14.25 hours. Was it worth it? Depends how important achievements are to you. I found one on the AH for 2k and I'd say buying that would definitely be better value if I didn't care about the achievement.
My advice: Find something you can do while you're fishing. I played keno pop on a java games website. Fishing is awful, keno pop is awful, but if I put them together I'm moderately entertained!